Monday, June 21, 2010

23° 26'

Happy Summer Solstice! It feels like it's been summer in New Orleans for ages already though. This round has been marked by sweat, itchiness, and various household pests who have all paid us a visit at some point so far (roaches, termites, fruit flies, etc). However, it's also been full of great things, too. We have another Water unit team down here with us, Water One, who works with us at Rebuilding Together, an organization that rebuilds houses for low-income families. So far, all of the houses we're working on were damaged by Hurricane Katrina, and most are in fairly low-income neighborhoods (Hollygrove, Broadmoor, Holy Cross). The coolest thing by far about this project is getting to learn a lot about the architecture of New Orleans, the details of which Rebuilding Together tries to preserve when they rehab houses. More to come, with pictures, but I just wanted to get this up while there are slightly more than three weeks left in the round!